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combining multiple CCSprites into one grouped object in cocos2d

I wonder what's the best approach to combine several CCSprites dynamically into one grouped object using cocos2d.

I have to dynamically create characters from a set of multiple CCSprites. The elements can't move relative to each other after combined - and are never separated again.

When combined they should behave just like one CCSprite in terms of moving and turning etc.

I couldn't find anything in cocos2d, or do I have to use a physics engine just to achieve this? I am afraid, using Box2d (without experience) creates a lot of additional coding overhead and effort.

Many thanks

like image 538
user387184 Avatar asked Dec 29 '10 13:12


1 Answers

Create an empty CCSprite and add the body parts from different sprites. Example:

CCSprite *body = [CCSprite node];
CCSprite *arm = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"arm.png"];
[arm setPosition:CGPointMake(10,10)];

[body addChild:arm];

And so on. This way you can rotate the sprite named body and all body parts will adjust accordingly.

like image 94
erik Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10
