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Sparrow or Cocos2D for iPhone 2D game?

I want to develop a game for iPhone. For 2D game development in iPhone which one of these would be better in the long run....Sparrow or Cocos2D? I've seen that there is a scarce documentation for Sparrow framework but Sparrow forum says it is easier to develop games in Sparrow as compared to Cocos2D. So, where should i start with?

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Arshad Parwez Avatar asked Oct 02 '11 04:10

Arshad Parwez

1 Answers

Both look pretty good for basic 2D development but Cocos2D seems a bit more mature (though Sparrow does seem to have a good start.

Another potential consideration is portability. The cocos2d API has been ported to android but Sparrow hasn't.

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KylePDavis Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10
