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Check the class of something in clojure?


I'm learning clojure and have a very basic question: given that clojure has type inference, how can you tell what class was inferred?

For instance, these would each result in different data types:

(2) (/ 2 3) (/ 2.0 3) 

Is there some kind of class function that will return the data type? Also, is there a normal way of casting something to be a specific type? So in the second example above, what would I do if I wanted the result to be float?

like image 817
Shane Avatar asked Jan 06 '10 11:01


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1 Answers

There is a type function in the clojure.core library.

user> (type 2) java.lang.Integer  user> (type (/ 2 3)) clojure.lang.Ratio  user> (type (/ 2.0 3)) java.lang.Double 

If you want to convert a given number into a float then use float.

user> (float 10) 10.0 
like image 89
aatifh Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 11:10
