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Handling Exceptions for ThreadPoolExecutor


I have the following code snippet that basically scans through the list of task that needs to be executed and each task is then given to the executor for execution.

The JobExecutor in turn creates another executor (for doing db stuff...reading and writing data to queue) and completes the task.

JobExecutor returns a Future<Boolean> for the tasks submitted. When one of the task fails, I want to gracefully interrupt all the threads and shutdown the executor by catching all the exceptions. What changes do I need to do?

public class DataMovingClass {     private static final AtomicInteger uniqueId = new AtomicInteger(0);    private static final ThreadLocal<Integer> uniqueNumber = new IDGenerator();       ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor  = null ;     private List<Source> sources = new ArrayList<Source>();      private static class IDGenerator extends ThreadLocal<Integer> {         @Override         public Integer get() {             return uniqueId.incrementAndGet();         }   }    public void init(){      // load sources list    }    public boolean execute() {      boolean succcess = true ;      threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(10,10,                 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(1024),                 new ThreadFactory() {                     public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {                         Thread t = new Thread(r);                         t.setName("DataMigration-" + uniqueNumber.get());                         return t;                     }// End method                 }, new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());       List<Future<Boolean>> result = new ArrayList<Future<Boolean>>();       for (Source source : sources) {                     result.add(threadPoolExecutor.submit(new JobExecutor(source)));      }       for (Future<Boolean> jobDone : result) {                 try {                     if (!jobDone.get(100000, TimeUnit.SECONDS) && success) {                         // in case of successful DbWriterClass, we don't need to change                         // it.                         success = false;                     }                 } catch (Exception ex) {                     // handle exceptions                 }             }    }    public class JobExecutor implements Callable<Boolean>  {          private ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor ;         Source jobSource ;         public SourceJobExecutor(Source source) {             this.jobSource = source;             threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(10,10,10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(1024),                     new ThreadFactory() {                         public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {                             Thread t = new Thread(r);                             t.setName("Job Executor-" + uniqueNumber.get());                             return t;                         }// End method                     }, new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());         }          public Boolean call() throws Exception {             boolean status = true ;              System.out.println("Starting Job = " + jobSource.getName());             try {                          // do the specified task ;                }catch (InterruptedException intrEx) {                 logger.warn("InterruptedException", intrEx);                 status = false ;             } catch(Exception e) {                 logger.fatal("Exception occurred while executing task "+jobSource.getName(),e);                 status = false ;             }            System.out.println("Ending Job = " + jobSource.getName());             return status ;         }     } }    
like image 691
jagamot Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 16:03


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1 Answers

When you submit a task to the executor, it returns you a FutureTask instance.

FutureTask.get() will re-throw any exception thrown by the task as an ExecutorException.

So when you iterate through the List<Future> and call get on each, catch ExecutorException and invoke an orderly shutdown.

like image 172
matt b Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10

matt b