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Is it possible to store a 1 byte number in Postgres?


I have 7 8-bit integer values per record that I want to store in Postgres. Pg doesn't offer a single byte integer type, SMALLINT, or 2 bytes, being the smallest integer datatype. Is there anyway I can store my 7 8-bit numbers and save on space?

Would an array type with a 7 element array be more compact? Or, should I make a binary representation of my 7 numbers (for example, using pack in Perl) and store that in a single bytea field?

Any other suggestions?

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punkish Avatar asked Jun 22 '10 03:06


People also ask

How does Postgres store data?

PostgreSQL provides two distinct ways to store binary data. Binary data can be stored in a table using the data type bytea or by using the Large Object feature which stores the binary data in a separate table in a special format and refers to that table by storing a value of type oid in your table.

What is Bytea in Postgres?

The bytea data type allows the storage of binary strings or what is typically thought of as “raw bytes”. Materialize supports both the typical formats for input and output: the hex format and the historical PostgreSQL escape format. The hex format is preferred.

1 Answers

Given that the overhead for any row in PostgreSQL is 23 bytes (HeapTupleHeaderData), if you really care about small amounts of space this much you've probably picked the wrong way to store your data.

Regardless, since all the more complicated types have their own overhead (bytea adds four bytes of overhead for example, bit strings 5 to 8), the only way to accomplish what you're looking for is to use a bigint (8 bytes), numerically shifting each value and OR-ing together the result. You can do this using the bit string operations to make the code easier--compute as bit string, then cast to bigint before storing--or just manually multiply/add if you want speed to be better. For example, here's how you store two bytes together into a two byte structure and then get them back again:

int2 = 256 * byte1 + byte2 byte1 = int2 / 256 byte2 = int2 % 256 

You can extend the same idea into storing 7 of them that way. Retrieval overhead is still going to be terrible, but you will have actually saved some space in the process. But not very much relative to just the row header.

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Greg Smith Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Greg Smith