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iPhone Map Kit cluster pinpoints

Regarding iPhone Map Kit cluster pinpoints:

I have 1000's of marks that I want to show on the map but it's just too many to handle so I want to cluster them.

Are there frameworks available or proof of concepts? That this is possible or is already been done?

like image 836
Andy Jacobs Avatar asked Jan 12 '10 08:01

Andy Jacobs

4 Answers

You can use REVClusterMap to cluster

like image 163
Andy Jacobs Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 01:11

Andy Jacobs

Note: This is a commercial product I'm affiliated with, but it solves this very problem.

I solved this problem in few of my apps and decided to extract it into a reusable framework. It's called Superpin and it is an (commercial, license costs $149) iOS Framework that internally uses quadtrees for annotation storage and performs grid-based clustering. The algorithm is quite fast, the included sample app is showing airports of the world (more than 30k+ annotations) and it's running quite smooth on an 3G iPhone.

like image 23
esad Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 01:11


This might be a bit like using a chainsaw to mow the lawn, but here is an excerpt from Algorithms in a Nutshell

Creating a KD-Tree...

public class KDFactory {
  // Known comparators for partitioning points along dimensional axes.
  private static Comparator<IMultiPoint> comparators[ ] ;
  // Recursively construct KDTree using median method on input points.
  public static KDTree generate (IMultiPoint [ ] points) {
    if (points. length == 0) { return null; }
    // median will be the root.
    int maxD = points[ 0] . dimensionality( );
    KDTree tree = new KDTree(maxD) ;
    // Make dimensional comparators that compare points by ith dimension
    comparators = new Comparator[ maxD+1] ;
    for (int i = 1; i <= maxD; i++) {
      comparators[ i] = new DimensionalComparator(i) ;
    tree. setRoot(generate (1, maxD, points, 0, points. length-1) ) ;
    return tree;

  // generate the node for the d-th dimension (1 <= d <= maxD)
  // for points[ left, right]
  private static DimensionalNode generate (int d, int maxD,
                                           IMultiPoint points[ ] ,
                                           int left, int right) {
    // Handle the easy cases first
    if (right < left) { return null; }
    if (right == left) { return new DimensionalNode (d, points[ left] ) ; }
    // Order the array[ left, right] so the mth element will be the median
    // and the elements prior to it will all be <=, though they won' t
    // necessarily be sorted; similarly, the elements after will all be >=
    int m = 1+(right-left) /2;
    Selection. select(points, m, left, right, comparators[ d] ) ;
    // Median point on this dimension becomes the parent
    DimensionalNode dm = new DimensionalNode (d, points[ left+m-1] ) ;
    // update to the next dimension, or reset back to 1
    if (++d > maxD) { d = 1; }
    // recursively compute left and right sub-trees, which translate
    // into ' below' and ' above' for n-dimensions.
    dm. setBelow(maxD, generate (d, maxD, points, left, left+m-2) ) ;
    dm. setAbove(maxD, generate (d, maxD, points, left+m, right) ) ;
    return dm;

Finding nearest neighbors best: O(log n) worst O(n)

// method in KDTree
public IMultiPoint nearest (IMultiPoint target) {
  if (root == null) return null;
  // find parent node to which target would have been inserted. This is our
  // best shot at locating closest point; compute best distance guess so far
  DimensionalNode parent = parent(target) ;
  IMultiPoint result = parent. point;
  double smallest = target. distance(result) ;
  // now start back at the root, and check all rectangles that potentially
  // overlap this smallest distance. If better one is found, return it.
  double best[ ] = new double[ ] { smallest };
  double raw[ ] = target. raw( );
  IMultiPoint betterOne = root. nearest (raw, best) ;
  if (betterOne ! = null) { return betterOne; }
  return result;

// method in DimensionalNode. min[ 0] contains best computed shortest distance.
IMultiPoint nearest (double[ ] rawTarget, double min[ ] ) {
    // Update minimum if we are closer.
    IMultiPoint result = null;
    // If shorter, update minimum
    double d = shorter(rawTarget, min[ 0] ) ;
    if (d >= 0 && d < min[ 0] ) {
      min[ 0] = d;
      result = point;
    // determine if we must dive into the subtrees by computing direct
    // perpendicular distance to the axis along which node separates
    // the plane. If d is smaller than the current smallest distance,
    // we could "bleed" over the plane so we must check both.
    double dp = Math. abs(coord - rawTarget[ dimension-1] ) ;
    IMultiPoint newResult = null;
    if (dp < min[ 0] ) {
      // must dive into both. Return closest one.
      if (above ! = null) {
        newResult = above. nearest (rawTarget, min) ;
        if (newResult ! = null) { result = newResult; }
      if (below ! = null) {
        newResult = below. nearest(rawTarget, min) ;
        if (newResult ! = null) {  result = newResult; }
    } else {
      // only need to go in one! Determine which one now.
      if (rawTarget[ dimension-1] < coord) {
        if (below ! = null) {
          newResult = below. nearest (rawTarget, min) ;
      } else {
        if (above ! = null) {
          newResult = above. nearest (rawTarget, min) ;
      // Use smaller result, if found.
      if (newResult ! = null) { return newResult; }
    return result;

More on KD-Trees at Wikipedia

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slf Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 23:11


I tried the others suggested here, and I also found OCMapView which has worked the best.

Its free and allows for easy grouping of annotations, which is what I needed. Its a bit newer & more updated than Revolver and to me is easier to implement.

like image 6
RyanG Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 01:11
