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When to use blocks


I love Ruby blocks! The idea behind them is just very very neat and convenient.

I have just looked back over my code from the past week or so, which is basically every single ruby function I ever have written, and I have noticed that not a single one of them returns a value! Instead of returning values, I always use a block to pass the data back!

I have even caught myself contemplating writing a little status class which would allow me to write code like :

something.do_stuff do |status|   status.success do      # successful code   end    status.fail do     # fail code     puts status.error_message   end end 

Am I using blocks too much? Is there a time to use blocks and a time to use return values?

Are there any gotchas to be aware of? Will my huge use of blocks come and bite me sometime?

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Mongus Pong Avatar asked Feb 01 '10 23:02

Mongus Pong

People also ask

What do you use blocks for in yoga?

Using blocks reduces pressure on your muscles and joints, helping to avoid stress injuries. And by using blocks to modify the more difficult postures, you're less likely to sustain an injury by forcing your body into a pose that isn't accessible to you.

Should beginners use yoga blocks?

Foam yoga blocks are good for beginners because they might be more comfortable in restorative postures, or when you need to rest sensitive parts of the body like the lower back or knees on the block.

1 Answers

The whole thing would be more readable as:

 if something.do_stuff   #successful code else   #unsuccessful code end 

or to use a common rails idiom:

 if @user.save   render :action=>:show else    @user.errors.each{|attr,msg| logger.info "#{attr} - #{msg}" }    render :action=>:edit end 

IMHO, avoiding the return of a boolean value is overuse of code blocks.

A block makes sense if . . .

It allows code to use a resource without having to close that resource

  open("fname") do |f|   # do stuff with the file  end #don't have to worry about closing the file 

The calling code would have to do non-trivial computation with the result

In this case, you avoid adding the return value to calling scope. This also often makes sense with multiple return values.

 something.do_stuff do |res1, res2|    if res1.foo? and res2.bar?       foo(res1)    elsif res2.bar?       bar(res2)    end  end #didn't add res1/res2 to the calling scope 

Code must be called both before and after the yield

You see this in some of the rails helpers:

  &lt% content_tag :div do  %>      &lt%= content_tag :span "span content" %>   &lt% end -%>  

And of course iterators are a great use case, as they're (considered by ruby-ists to be) prettier than for loops or list comprehensions.

Certainly not an exhaustive list, but I recommend that you don't just use blocks because you can.

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9 revs Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

9 revs