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Can I convert a C# string value to an escaped string literal?

People also ask

Can normal AC convert into inverter AC?

NO since traditional split AC units use a fixed speed compressor ( generally rotary ones) since the old type compressors (hermetrically sealed piston type) are redundant due to excessive power consumption.

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Steps to Convert a C Corporation to an S Corporation Currently, filing Form 2553 is the only requirement to convert from a C corp to an S corp. File the form with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to change the tax election. All shareholders must sign the form.

What is a AC inverter?

An inverter air conditioner uses microprocessors to control the speed of its compressor motor to match the required output. Once the room is cool or warm, an inverter air conditioner lowers the speed of the motor to save energy and maintain the desired temperature.

I found this:

private static string ToLiteral(string input)
    using (var writer = new StringWriter())
        using (var provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp"))
            provider.GenerateCodeFromExpression(new CodePrimitiveExpression(input), writer, null);
            return writer.ToString();

This code:

var input = "\tHello\r\n\tWorld!";



Use Regex.Escape(String):

Regex.Escape escapes a minimal set of characters (, *, +, ?, |, {, [, (,), ^, $,., #, and white space) by replacing them with their escape codes.

A more structured approach, including all escape sequences for strings and chars, is:

It doesn't replace Unicode characters with their literal equivalent. It doesn't cook eggs, either.

public class ReplaceString
    static readonly IDictionary<string, string> m_replaceDict
        = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    const string ms_regexEscapes = @"[\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\""]";

    public static string StringLiteral(string i_string)
        return Regex.Replace(i_string, ms_regexEscapes, match);

    public static string CharLiteral(char c)
        return c == '\'' ? @"'\''" : string.Format("'{0}'", c);

    private static string match(Match m)
        string match = m.ToString();
        if (m_replaceDict.ContainsKey(match))
            return m_replaceDict[match];

        throw new NotSupportedException();

    static ReplaceString()
        m_replaceDict.Add("\a", @"\a");
        m_replaceDict.Add("\b", @"\b");
        m_replaceDict.Add("\f", @"\f");
        m_replaceDict.Add("\n", @"\n");
        m_replaceDict.Add("\r", @"\r");
        m_replaceDict.Add("\t", @"\t");
        m_replaceDict.Add("\v", @"\v");

        m_replaceDict.Add("\\", @"\\");
        m_replaceDict.Add("\0", @"\0");

        //The SO parser gets fooled by the verbatim version
        //of the string to replace - @"\"""
        //so use the 'regular' version
        m_replaceDict.Add("\"", "\\\"");

    static void Main(string[] args){

        string s = "here's a \"\n\tstring\" to test";


This is a fully working implementation, including escaping of Unicode and ASCII non-printable characters. It does not insert "+" signs like Hallgrim's answer.

static string ToLiteral(string input) {
    StringBuilder literal = new StringBuilder(input.Length + 2);
    foreach (var c in input) {
        switch (c) {
            case '\"': literal.Append("\\\""); break;
            case '\\': literal.Append(@"\\"); break;
            case '\0': literal.Append(@"\0"); break;
            case '\a': literal.Append(@"\a"); break;
            case '\b': literal.Append(@"\b"); break;
            case '\f': literal.Append(@"\f"); break;
            case '\n': literal.Append(@"\n"); break;
            case '\r': literal.Append(@"\r"); break;
            case '\t': literal.Append(@"\t"); break;
            case '\v': literal.Append(@"\v"); break;
                // ASCII printable character
                if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7e) {
                // As UTF16 escaped character
                } else {
    return literal.ToString();

Note that this also escapes all Unicode characters. If your environment supports them, you could change that part to escape only control characters:

// UTF16 control characters
} else if (Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c) == UnicodeCategory.Control) {
} else {


var t = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(s);