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How to find out if a file exists in C# / .NET?





People also ask

How do you know if a file is a directory in C?

The isDir() function is used to check a given file is a directory or not.

How do I check if a file is present in C++?

Use ifile. open(): ifile. open() is mainly used to check if a file exists in the specific directory or not.

What is the condition to check whether file exist or not?

While checking if a file exists, the most commonly used file operators are -e and -f. The '-e' option is used to check whether a file exists regardless of the type, while the '-f' option is used to return true value only if the file is a regular file (not a directory or a device).



MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.file.exists.aspx

Edit: In System.IO


using System.IO;

if (File.Exists(path)) 
    Console.WriteLine("file exists");



Give full path as input. Avoid relative paths.

 return File.Exists(FinalPath);