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Calling a Method From a String With the Method's Name in Ruby

People also ask

How do you call a method on a string Ruby?

A dot is used to call a method on an object. Imagine the string name is a person you can talk to. You can ask questions by “sending a message” to them, and they'll respond by sending (returning) something back.

How do you call a method dynamically?

Using user data to call any method via send could leave room open for users to execute any method they want. send is often used to call method names dynamically—but make sure the input values are trusted and can't be manipulated by users. Golden rule is never trust any input that comes from the user.

How do you turn a string into a method?

To convert a string in to function "eval()" method should be used. This method takes a string as a parameter and converts it into a function.

To call functions directly on an object

a = [2, 2, 3]
# or

which returns 3 as expected

or for a module function

# or

and a locally defined method

def load()
    puts "load() function was executed."

# or


  • Object#public_send
  • Object#send

Three Ways: send / call / eval - and their Benchmarks

Typical invocation (for reference):

s= "hi man"
s.length #=> 6

Using send

s.send(:length) #=> 6

Using call

method_object = s.method(:length) 
p method_object.call #=> 6

Using eval

eval "s.length" #=> 6



require "benchmark" 
test = "hi man" 
m = test.method(:length) 
n = 100000 
Benchmark.bmbm {|x| 
  x.report("call") { n.times { m.call } } 
  x.report("send") { n.times { test.send(:length) } } 
  x.report("eval") { n.times { eval "test.length" } } 

...as you can see, instantiating a method object is the fastest dynamic way in calling a method, also notice how slow using eval is.

#####   The results
#Rehearsal ----------------------------------------
#call   0.050000   0.020000   0.070000 (  0.077915)
#send   0.080000   0.000000   0.080000 (  0.086071)
#eval   0.360000   0.040000   0.400000 (  0.405647)
#------------------------------- total: 0.550000sec

#          user     system      total        real
#call   0.050000   0.020000   0.070000 (  0.072041)
#send   0.070000   0.000000   0.070000 (  0.077674)
#eval   0.370000   0.020000   0.390000 (  0.399442)

Credit goes to this blog post which elaborates a bit more on the three methods and also shows how to check if the methods exist.

Use this:

> a = "my_string"
> meth = a.method("size")
> meth.call() # call the size method
=> 9

Simple, right?

As for the global, I think the Ruby way would be to search it using the methods method.

Personally I would setup a hash to function references and then use the string as an index to the hash. You then call the function reference with it's parameters. This has the advantage of not allowing the wrong string to call something you don't want to call. The other way is to basically eval the string. Do not do this.

PS don't be lazy and actually type out your whole question, instead of linking to something.