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How do I specify local .gem files in my Gemfile?

People also ask

How do you install gems you added to your Gemfile?

run the command bundle install in your shell, once you have your Gemfile created. This command will look your Gemfile and install the relevant Gems on the indicated versions. The Gemfiles are installed because in your Gemfile you are pointing out the source where the gems can be downloaded from.

Where is gem file located?

Gemfile is a file which must be located in root of your rails project. It is used for describing gem dependencies for Ruby programs. The first thing in your gemfile is a source in which you tell the Gemfile where to look for gems. Source can be called as a block and you can have multiple sources in your gemfile.

This isn't strictly an answer to your question about installing .gem packages, but you can specify all kinds of locations on a gem-by-gem basis by editing your Gemfile.

Specifying a :path attribute will install the gem from that path on your local machine.

gem "foreman", path: "/Users/pje/my_foreman_fork"

Alternately, specifying a :git attribute will install the gem from a remote git repository.

gem "foreman", git: "git://github.com/pje/foreman.git"

# ...or at a specific SHA-1 ref
gem "foreman", git: "git://github.com/pje/foreman.git", ref: "bf648a070c"

# ...or branch
gem "foreman", git: "git://github.com/pje/foreman.git", branch: "jruby"

# ...or tag
gem "foreman", git: "git://github.com/pje/foreman.git", tag: "v0.45.0"

(As @JHurrah mentioned in his comment.)

Seems bundler can't use .gem files out of the box. Pointing the :path to a directory containing .gem files doesn't work. Some people suggested to setup a local gem server (geminabox, stickler) for that purpose.

However, what I found to be much simpler is to use a local gem "server" from file system: Just put your .gem files in a local directory, then use "gem generate_index" to make it a Gem repository

mkdir repo
mkdir repo/gems
cp *.gem repo/gems
cd repo
gem generate_index

Finally point bundler to this location by adding the following line to your Gemfile

source "file://path/to/repo"

If you update the gems in the repository, make sure to regenerate the index.

I would unpack your gem in the application vendor folder

gem unpack your.gem --target /path_to_app/vendor/gems/

Then add the path on the Gemfile to link unpacked gem.

gem 'your', '2.0.1', :path => 'vendor/gems/your'

By default Bundler will check your system first and if it can't find a gem it will use the sources specified in your Gemfile.

You can force bundler to use the gems you deploy using "bundle package" and "bundle install --local"

On your development machine:

bundle install

(Installs required gems and makes Gemfile.lock)

bundle package

(Caches the gems in vendor/cache)

On the server:

bundle install --local

(--local means "use the gems from vendor/cache")