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How do you pass arguments to define_method?

People also ask

How are arguments passed in Ruby?

In ruby, arguments inside a method are passed by reference Thus, if we will change an object inside the method, then it will be changed also outside the method.

What is Define_method in Ruby?

define_method is a method defined in Module class which you can use to create methods dynamically. To use define_method , you call it with the name of the new method and a block where the parameters of the block become the parameters of the new method.

The block that you pass to define_method can include some parameters. That's how your defined method accepts arguments. When you define a method you're really just nicknaming the block and keeping a reference to it in the class. The parameters come with the block. So:

define_method(:say_hi) { |other| puts "Hi, " + other }

... and if you want optional parameters

 class Bar
   define_method(:foo) do |arg=nil|                  

 a = Bar.new
 #=> nil
 a.foo 1
 # => 1

... as many arguments as you want

 class Bar
   define_method(:foo) do |*arg|                  

 a = Bar.new
 #=> []
 a.foo 1
 # => [1]
 a.foo 1, 2 , 'AAA'
 # => [1, 2, 'AAA']

...combination of

 class Bar
   define_method(:foo) do |bubla,*arg|
     p bubla                  
     p arg                                                                                          

 a = Bar.new
 #=> wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
 a.foo 1
 # 1
 # []

 a.foo 1, 2 ,3 ,4
 # 1
 # [2,3,4]

... all of them

 class Bar
   define_method(:foo) do |variable1, variable2,*arg, &block|  
     p  variable1     
     p  variable2
     p  arg
     p  block.inspect                                                                              
 a = Bar.new      
 a.foo :one, 'two', :three, 4, 5 do


Ruby 2.0 introduced double splat ** (two stars) which (I quote) does:

Ruby 2.0 introduced keyword arguments, and ** acts like *, but for keyword arguments. It returns a Hash with key / value pairs.

...and of course you can use it in define method too :)

 class Bar 
   define_method(:foo) do |variable1, variable2,*arg,**options, &block|
     p  variable1
     p  variable2
     p  arg
     p  options
     p  block.inspect
 a = Bar.new
 a.foo :one, 'two', :three, 4, 5, ruby: 'is awesome', foo: :bar do
# :one
# "two"
# [:three, 4, 5]
# {:ruby=>"is awesome", :foo=>:bar}

Named attributes example:

 class Bar
   define_method(:foo) do |variable1, color: 'blue', **other_options, &block|
     p  variable1
     p  color
     p  other_options
     p  block.inspect
 a = Bar.new
 a.foo :one, color: 'red', ruby: 'is awesome', foo: :bar do
# :one
# "red"
# {:ruby=>"is awesome", :foo=>:bar}

I was trying to create example with keyword argument, splat and double splat all in one:

 define_method(:foo) do |variable1, variable2,*arg, i_will_not: 'work', **options, &block|
    # ...


 define_method(:foo) do |variable1, variable2, i_will_not: 'work', *arg, **options, &block|
    # ...

... but this will not work, it looks like there is a limitation. When you think about it makes sense as splat operator is "capturing all remaining arguments" and double splat is "capturing all remaining keyword arguments" therefore mixing them would break expected logic. (I don't have any reference to prove this point doh! )

update 2018 August:

Summary article: https://blog.eq8.eu/til/metaprogramming-ruby-examples.html

In addition to Kevin Conner's answer: block arguments do not support the same semantics as method arguments. You cannot define default arguments or block arguments.

This is only fixed in Ruby 1.9 with the new alternative "stabby lambda" syntax which supports full method argument semantics.


# Works
def meth(default = :foo, *splat, &block) puts 'Bar'; end

# Doesn't work
define_method :meth { |default = :foo, *splat, &block| puts 'Bar' }

# This works in Ruby 1.9 (modulo typos, I don't actually have it installed)
define_method :meth, ->(default = :foo, *splat, &block) { puts 'Bar' }

With 2.2 you can now use keyword arguments: https://robots.thoughtbot.com/ruby-2-keyword-arguments

define_method(:method) do |refresh: false|