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Array include any value from another array?




People also ask

How do you check if an array contains a value from another array?

Use the inbuilt ES6 function some() to iterate through each and every element of first array and to test the array. Use the inbuilt function includes() with second array to check if element exist in the first array or not. If element exist then return true else return false.

How do you add an item to an array in another array?

To append one array to another, call the concat() method on the first array, passing it the second array as a parameter, e.g. const arr3 = arr1. concat(arr2) . The concat method will merge the two arrays and will return a new array.

How do you check if an element of an array is in another array JavaScript?

If every element is contained within the current array (use current. indexOf(elem) !==

(cheeses & foods).empty?

As Marc-André Lafortune said in comments, & works in linear time while any? + include? will be quadratic. For larger sets of data, linear time will be faster. For small data sets, any? + include? may be faster as shown by Lee Jarvis' answer -- probably because & allocates a new Array while another solution does not and works as a simple nested loop to return a boolean.

How about Enumerable#any?

>> cheeses = %w(chedder stilton brie mozzarella feta haloumi)
=> ["chedder", "stilton", "brie", "mozzarella", "feta", "haloumi"]
>> foods = %w(pizza feta foods bread biscuits yoghurt bacon)
=> ["pizza", "feta", "foods", "bread", "biscuits", "yoghurt", "bacon"]
>> foods.any? {|food| cheeses.include?(food) }
=> true

Benchmark script:

require "benchmark"
N = 1_000_000
puts "ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}"

CHEESES = %w(chedder stilton brie mozzarella feta haloumi).freeze
FOODS = %w(pizza feta foods bread biscuits yoghurt bacon).freeze

Benchmark.bm(15) do |b|
  b.report("&, empty?") { N.times { (FOODS & CHEESES).empty? } }
  b.report("any?, include?") { N.times { FOODS.any? {|food| CHEESES.include?(food) } } }


ruby version: 2.1.9
                      user     system      total        real
&, empty?         1.170000   0.000000   1.170000 (  1.172507)
any?, include?    0.660000   0.000000   0.660000 (  0.666015)

You can check if the intersection is empty.

cheeses = %w(chedder stilton brie mozzarella feta haloumi)
foods = %w(pizza feta foods bread biscuits yoghurt bacon)
foods & cheeses
=> ["feta"] 
(foods & cheeses).empty?
=> false

Set.new(cheeses).disjoint? Set.new(foods)

require "benchmark"
N = 1_000_000
puts "ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}"

CHEESES = %w(chedder stilton brie mozzarella feta haloumi).freeze
FOODS = %w(pizza feta foods bread biscuits yoghurt bacon).freeze

Benchmark.bm(15) do |b|
  b.report("&, empty?") { N.times { (FOODS & CHEESES).empty? } }  
  b.report("any?, include?") { N.times { FOODS.any? {|food| CHEESES.include?(food) } } }  
  b.report("disjoint?") { N.times { FOODS.to_set.disjoint? CHEESES.to_set }}
                      user     system      total        real
&, empty?         0.751068   0.000571   0.751639 (  0.752745)
any?, include?    0.408251   0.000133   0.408384 (  0.408438)
disjoint?        11.616006   0.014806  11.630812 ( 11.637300)