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Create Directory if it doesn't exist with Ruby



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How to check if a directory exists in Ruby?

If it matters whether the file you're looking for is a directory and not just a file, you could use File. directory? or Dir. exist? . This will return true only if the file exists and is a directory.

How to create a directory in Ruby?

Using Ruby's Mkdir Method To Create A New Directory If you want to create a new folder with Ruby you can use the Dir. mkdir method. If given a relative path, this directory is created under the current path ( Dir. pwd ).

What is directory in Ruby?

A directory is a location where files can be stored. For Ruby, the Dir class and the FileUtils module manages directories and the File class handles the files.

You are probably trying to create nested directories. Assuming foo does not exist, you will receive no such file or directory error for:

Dir.mkdir 'foo/bar'
# => Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - 'foo/bar'

To create nested directories at once, FileUtils is needed:

require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.mkdir_p 'foo/bar'
# => ["foo/bar"]

Edit2: you do not have to use FileUtils, you may do system call (update from @mu is too short comment):

> system 'mkdir', '-p', 'foo/bar' # worse version: system 'mkdir -p "foo/bar"'
=> true

But that seems (at least to me) as worse approach as you are using external 'tool' which may be unavailable on some systems (although I can hardly imagine system without mkdir, but who knows).

Simple way:

directory_name = "name"
Dir.mkdir(directory_name) unless File.exists?(directory_name)

Another simple way:

Dir.mkdir('tmp/excel') unless Dir.exist?('tmp/excel')