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Ruby: How to iterate over a range, but in set increments?

People also ask

How do you iterate through values in a set?

Example 2: Iterate through Set using iterator() We have used the iterator() method to iterate over the set. Here, hasNext() - returns true if there is next element in the set. next() - returns the next element of the set.

What is the simplest way to iterate through the items of an array Ruby?

The Ruby Enumerable#each method is the most simplistic and popular way to iterate individual items in an array. It accepts two arguments: the first being an enumerable list, and the second being a block. It takes each element in the provided list and executes the block, taking the current item as a parameter.

See http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Range.html#M000695 for the full API.

Basically you use the step() method. For example:

(10..100).step(10) do |n|
    # n = 10
    # n = 20
    # n = 30
    # ...

You can use Numeric#step.

0.step(30,5) do |num|
  puts "number is #{num}"
# >> number is 0
# >> number is 5
# >> number is 10
# >> number is 15
# >> number is 20
# >> number is 25
# >> number is 30

Here's another, perhaps more familiar-looking way to do it:

for i in (0..10).step(2) do
    puts i

rng.step(n=1) {| obj | block } => rng

Iterates over rng, passing each nth element to the block. If the range contains numbers or strings, natural ordering is used. Otherwise step invokes succ to iterate through range elements. The following code uses class Xs, which is defined in the class-level documentation.

range = Xs.new(1)..Xs.new(10)
range.step(2) {|x| puts x}
range.step(3) {|x| puts x}


1 x
3 xxx
5 xxxxx
7 xxxxxxx
9 xxxxxxxxx
1 x
4 xxxx
7 xxxxxxx
10 xxxxxxxxxx

Reference: http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Range.html
