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C++, What does the colon after a constructor mean? [duplicate]



People also ask

What does double colon mean in C++?

Two colons (::) are used in C++ as a scope resolution operator. This operator gives you more freedom in naming your variables by letting you distinguish between variables with the same name.

What does colon mean in CPP?

The single colon could also signify class inheritance, if the class declaration is followed by : and a class name, it means the class derives from the class behind the single colon. 1.

Can constructor be called twice?

A constructor is called only once per object instance. Although, you may choose to call the constructor within the same class. You will have to call it with new key word. This will essentially create a new object instance and the constructor would be invoked by new instance.

What are constructors in C++?

A constructor is a special type of member function that is called automatically when an object is created. In C++, a constructor has the same name as that of the class and it does not have a return type. For example, class Wall { public: // create a constructor Wall() { // code } };

As others have said, it's an initialisation list. You can use it for two things:

  1. Calling base class constructors
  2. Initialising member variables before the body of the constructor executes.

For case #1, I assume you understand inheritance (if that's not the case, let me know in the comments). So you are simply calling the constructor of your base class.

For case #2, the question may be asked: "Why not just initialise it in the body of the constructor?" The importance of the initialisation lists is particularly evident for const members. For instance, take a look at this situation, where I want to initialise m_val based on the constructor parameter:

class Demo
    Demo(int& val) 
         m_val = val;
    const int& m_val;

By the C++ specification, this is illegal. We cannot change the value of a const variable in the constructor, because it is marked as const. So you can use the initialisation list:

class Demo
    Demo(int& val) : m_val(val)
    const int& m_val;

That is the only time that you can change a const member variable. And as Michael noted in the comments section, it is also the only way to initialise a reference that is a class member.

Outside of using it to initialise const member variables, it seems to have been generally accepted as "the way" of initialising variables, so it's clear to other programmers reading your code.

This is called an initialization list. It is for passing arguments to the constructor of a parent class. Here is a good link explaining it: Initialization Lists in C++

It's called an initialization list. An initializer list is how you pass arguments to your member variables' constructors and for passing arguments to the parent class's constructor.

If you use = to assign in the constructor body, first the default constructor is called, then the assignment operator is called. This is a bit wasteful, and sometimes there's no equivalent assignment operator.

It's called an initialization list. It initializes members before the body of the constructor executes.

It means that len is not set using the default constructor. while the demo class is being constructed. For instance:

class Demo{
    int foo;
    Demo(){ foo = 1;}

Would first place a value in foo before setting it to 1. It's slightly faster and more efficient.

You are calling the constructor of its base class, demo.