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C++: max integer [duplicate]



Is there a C++ cross-platform library that provides me with a portable maximum integer number?

I want to declare:

const int MAX_NUM = /* call some library here */; 

I use MSVC 2008 unmanaged.

like image 886
sivabudh Avatar asked Nov 13 '09 21:11


2 Answers

In the C++ standard library header <limits>, you will find:


Which will tell you the maximum value that can be stored in a variable of type int. numeric_limits is a class template, and you can pass it any of the numeric types to get the maximum value that they can hold.

The numeric_limits class template has a lot of other information about numeric types as well.

like image 160
James McNellis Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

James McNellis

See limits.h (C) or climits (C++). In this case you would want the INT_MAX constant.

like image 44
Lukáš Lalinský Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Lukáš Lalinský