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Best Free Text Editor Supporting *More Than* 4GB Files? [closed]

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Which editor is best for opening large files?

Modern editors can handle surprisingly large files. In particular, Vim (Windows, macOS, Linux), Emacs (Windows, macOS, Linux), Notepad++ (Windows), Sublime Text (Windows, macOS, Linux), and VS Code (Windows, macOS, Linux) support large (~4 GB) files, assuming you have the RAM.

How do I open a 5gb text file?

Method #1: Using Free Editors The best way to view extremely large text files is to use… a text editor. Not just any text editor, but the tools meant for writing code. Such apps can usually handle large files without a hitch and are free. Large Text File Viewer is probably the simplest of these applications.

glogg could also be considered, for a different usage:

glogg screenshot

Caveat (reported by Simon Tewsi in the comments, Feb. 2013)

One caveat - has two search functions, Main Search and Quick Find.
The lower one, which I assume is Quick Find, is at least an order of magnitude slower than the upper one, which is fast.

I've had to look at monster(runaway) log files (20+ GB). I used hexedit FREE version which can work with any size files. It is also open source. It is a Windows executable.

Jeff Atwood has a post on this here: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000229.html

He eventually went with Edit Pad Pro, because "Based on my prior usage history, I felt that EditPad Pro was the best fit: it's quite fast on large text files, has best-of-breed regex support, and it doesn't pretend to be an IDE."

Instead of loading a gigantic log file in an editor, I'm using Unix command line tools like grep, tail, gawk, etc. to filter the interesting parts into a much smaller file and then, I open that.

On Windows, try Cygwin.

Have you tried context editor? It is small and fast.

I Stumbled on this post many times, as I often need to handle huge files (10 Gigas+).

After being tired of buggy and pretty limited freeware, and not willing to pay fo costly editors after trial expired (not worth the money after all), I just used VIM for Windows with great success and satisfaction.

It is simply PERFECT for this need, fully customizable, with ALL feature one can think of when dealing with text files (searching, replacing, reading, etc. you name it)

I am very surprised nobody answered that (Except a previous answer but for MacOS)...

For the record I stumbled on it on this blog post, which wisely adviced it.