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Auto-Fill or automate a Google Form



With the recent study-from-home dynamics hastly implemented by budget schools, I am now facing a mindless-robot-like-task of filling in attendance for my kids everyday multiple times per child. The school shared this form:

enter image description here enter image description here

I, being a developer, want to create a UI and have my kids submit thier attendance to this form on thier own when the teacher asks for one over Zoom. Ids it possible? I'm a .Net developer and have not developed anything for Office 365 Online and have no idea where to start looking for Google.

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Hassan Gulzar Avatar asked May 17 '20 09:05

Hassan Gulzar

1 Answers

As @AHunt writes, the entry number used to be in a name attribute on the form fields. As of this answer time, I can no longer find the name attribute on any of the form fields. However, now there is a script tag at the end of the body tag, with a short javascript code, and in it you can find the entry numbers, see here: enter image description here

Also, it is possible to submit the form directly with pre-filled values. Just replace viewform in the URL with formResponse.

Similar URL as in the accepted answer, but now it will be submitted at once. Note that all required fields have to be filled!


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hdrz Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 04:10
