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Google Docs Forms - need Pre-fill Date & Time Entry with current date and current time



Google Forms I need Pre-filled current Date & current Time Entry in date and time fields of my google form. How to do it

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Pawan Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 09:11


People also ask

How do I create a prefill date in Google Forms?

If you're already familiar with Google Forms, prefilling one is easy. Select Get pre-filled link from the three-dot menu in the upper right-hand corner. That will open the form in a new tab. From there, fill out any relevant fields that you already know the answer to for the person you intend to send the link to.

Why is my Google Form pre-filled?

Pre-Filled URL Google Forms has a solution for automatically filling in a free response question. A pre-filled link pre slots some of the answers when the user clicks on the link to the Google Form. Look for the 3 dots menu in the upper right and choose “Get pre-filled link.”

How do I set up autofill in Google Forms?

Settings. Tap Autofill and payments. Tap Payment methods or Addresses and more. To stop saving payment info, turn off Save and fill payment methods.

2 Answers

A simple code-free solution is to make separate sections in your form and use the feature that routes users to different sections based on responses. The first section asks whether the form is for the current date/time. If yes, you use the timestamp as the date and time and route the user to the main section with your questions. If not, route them to a section to set the date and time, and then after that route them to the main section.

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Grizz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10


My solution is to make the Date field optional. The default is to assume the todays date which is what you get from the timestamp field. In case it needs to be anything else you can enter it manually.

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rehan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
