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How can I change accounts when I am trying to open up a restricted Google Form?



My web browser is logged into multiple Google accounts and I have a restricted Google Form URL like this that I need to open with a specific account.


Google Forms does not have a UI method to switch accounts like many of their other products and it will always try to open the form with the default account (the first one that you authenticated against in your web browser).

Is there a way to make it open in the right account?

like image 390
spkane Avatar asked Oct 09 '20 17:10


1 Answers

As it turns out there is, although this is not apparent anywhere on Google's help site from what I could find.

If you modify the URL and add u/1/ immediately after https://docs.google.com/forms/ then you will be logged into the form using the second Google account that you are authenticated against in your browser.

Note: You will be redirected during this process, so the final URL in your browser will look a little different, but you should be connected to the form with the right account.


You can change that number to match whichever account that you want to use.

  • Not sure how to determine the account number?
    • Look at your Google Mail URL for the account you want. It will look something like this (and has the number you need in it): https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox

Also, remember that your Google accounts start counting from 0. So, your first account is 0, your second one is 1, etc.

like image 195
spkane Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
