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How to assign a unique ID to a google form input?

Google Forms - I have set up a google form and I want to assign a unique id each of the completed incoming form inputs. My intention is to use the unique ID as an input for another google form I have created which I will use to link the two completed forms. Is there another easier way to do this?

I'm not a programmer but I have programming resources available to me if needed.

like image 989
Kenneth S Giordano Avatar asked Feb 23 '15 20:02

Kenneth S Giordano

People also ask

Can Google Forms give a unique ID?

Google Forms automatically assigns a unique, non-sequential and non-guessable identifier (id) to every form entry. This Unique Id contains a mix of alphabets and digits. You can use this unique ID in subject line and message body of your email template with the help of dynamic form fields.

Can Google Forms generate a reference number?

Hi, Yes, it is possible, there is a formula, you can insert it in a column in the Form responses sheet and it will assign a unique number to each response.

1 Answers

I was also banging my head at this and finally found a solution.

I compose a 6-digit number that gets generated automatically for every row and is composed of:

  • 3 digits of the row number - that gives the uniqueness (you can use more if you expect more than 998 responses), concatenated with

  • 3 digits of the timestamp converted to a number - that prevents guessing the number

Follow these instructions:

  1. Create an additional column in the spreadsheet linked to your form, let's call it: "unique ID"
  2. Row number 1 should be populated with column titles automatically
  3. In row number 2, under column "Unique ID", add the following formula:

    =arrayformula( if( len(A2:A), "" & text(row(A2:A) - row(A2) + 2, "000") & RIGHT(VALUE(A2:A), 3), iferror(1/0) ) )

    Note: An array formula applies automatically to the entire column.

  4. Make sure you never delete that row, even if you clear up all the results from the form
  5. Once a new submission is populated, its "Unique ID" will appear automatically

Formula explanation:

  • Column A should normally hold the timestamp. If the timestamp is not empty, then this gives the row number: row(A2:A) - row(A2) + 2
  • Using text I trim it to a 3-digit number.
  • Then I concatenate it with the timestamp converted to a number using VALUE and trim it to the three right-most digits using RIGHT

Voila! A number that is both unique and hard-to-guess (as the submitter has no access to the timestamp).

If you would like more confidence, obviously you could use more digits for each of the parts.

like image 198
Ying Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10
