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google script error "You do not have permission to call create (line 38, file "macros")"

var newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Spreadsheet to export");

I am running a Google Sheet script and I get the following error message on the above line of code. Any idea how to solve the issue? I am a novice.

Error message:

You do not have permission to call create (line 38, file "macros")

like image 394
Omid Avatar asked Jun 14 '18 13:06


1 Answers

You're probably running in a script project that is scoped to only the current document. You can check your current requested scopes in the menu, via File -> project properties -> Scopes. Check this list for one like spreadsheets.currentonly.

If one like it is there, you have either directly or indirectly specified // @OnlyCurrentDoc in your code files (including imported Apps Script libraries).

If this is from a library inclusion, then either add // @NotOnlyCurrentDoc in your code (usually positioned at the start of your first .gs file) or edit your manifest file to manually specify the desired scopes. If it is from your own code specifying //@OnlyCurrentDoc, then just remove this comment.

Scripts which scope to only the current document will generally not trigger the aggressive "Unverified App" authentication flow in which you and/or other document editors must first select "Advanced -> proceed anyway" to approve the script.

See also:

  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/50458893
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/39757366
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tehhowch Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10
