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How to automatically capture respondent's email ID in Google Sheet?

I am sending a survey sheet to participants to their email ids. I am able to capture and see the responses to each question asked. However, I am not able to see the corresponding Respondent's email id.

Is there any way to auto capture the respondent's email address automatically in the response sheet?

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DINESH KUMAR M Avatar asked Nov 11 '17 04:11


People also ask

Can Google Forms automatically capture emails?

Under the Responses section, enable Collect email addresses. Google Forms automatically saves your configuration settings. In the Questions tab, a message appears at the top of your form confirming that Google Form will collect email addresses after each submission.

How do I automatically send responses to multiple email addresses in Google Forms?

Email Multiple People​ To get started, open your Google Form and launch Email Notifications from the add-ons menu. Click the Create Email Notification menu to create a new rule for sending automatic email notifications to the form respondent.

How do I create a form to collect emails?

Log into your Google account. Open a new Google Form. Click the settings icon (the gear) in the top right corner. Click the checkbox next to the Collect email addresses option.

1 Answers

Go to your form and click on 'Settings' icon. There you will find a checkbox to collect email address of the respondent and save it. You can now see a column in the response sheet which contains email addresses.

enter image description here

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user3687197 Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10
