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Accidentally 'reflowed', how to undo long-line breaks?

Has anyone got any tricks for undoing long-line wrapping?

I've got a big chunk of code that has been reflowed to 120 columns and it's a minefield to debug effectively.

Edit0: I didn't do the reflow and the guy I'm collaborating with... doesn't get CVSs...

EDIT1: Example Yes most of them are 'appropriately' indented.

like image 384
Bolster Avatar asked Feb 10 '14 10:02


People also ask

How do I find and replace line breaks in Word?

Press Ctrl+F. Word displays the Navigation task pane at the left side of the screen. In the box at the top of the Navigation pane, enter the text for which you want to search. To search for a paragraph mark, enter ^p; to search for a line break, enter ^l.

1 Answers

Perhaps an automated script/tool like https://github.com/spulec/pep8ify will be able to handle pushing the format back to 80 columns

like image 63
planestepper Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 22:10
