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Using easy_install with sklearn-pandas

I am trying to install sklearn-pandas.

On my attempt:

easy_install sklearn-pandas

I get the result:

The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted.

This package cannot be safely installed by EasyInstall, and may not support alternate installation locations even if you run its setup script by hand. Please inform the package's author and the EasyInstall maintainers to find out if a fix or workaround is available.

I'm on windows 7 (I admit it!), using Python 2.7.3

This is the first time I've gotten any error like this. Possible ideas I've explored are the more basic solutions:

The authors didn't write this package to be installed with easy_install I have some sort of file permission problem (?) There is some sort of dependencies issues

If anyone has ever gotten this error or has any insight into this please let me know! Much thanks.

like image 713
tumultous_rooster Avatar asked Nov 26 '13 04:11


People also ask

Is easy_install deprecated?

easy_install, now deprecated, was released in 2004 as part of setuptools. It was notable at the time for installing packages from PyPI using requirement specifiers, and automatically installing dependencies.

What is easy_install pip?

Easy Install is a python module that is bundled with setuptools (easy_install) that allows you to download, compile, install, and manage Python packages automatically. It was included in setuptools in 2004 and is now deprecated.

What is the flag in pip install?

The --user flag to pip install tells Pip to install packages in some specific directories within your home directory. This is a good way to have your own default Python environment that adds to the packages within your system directories, and therefore, does not affect the system Python installation.

How does Easy Install work?

Easy Install accepts URLs, filenames, PyPI package names (i.e., distutils “distribution” names), and package+version specifiers. In each case, it will attempt to locate the latest available version that meets your criteria.

1 Answers

Don't use easy_install, use pip!

(To install pip, follow this other StackOverflow question).

Additionally, you're probably going to need a compiler, development tools, and header files for Python (it's a whole 'nother bag of worms in Windows).

Assuming all is well, you can now

pip install sklearn-pandas
like image 174
Kyle Kelley Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Kyle Kelley