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XSLT, XPath and InStr





Is there a way to find a node matched on part of a value.

If I have the following:

<competition id="100" name="Barclays Premier League"/>
<competition id="101" name="CocaCola Championship" />
<competition id="102" name="CocaCola League 1" />

Given the string "Premier League" or even "Prem", how would I match the correct node and get id 100.

I have managed this using for-each and contains, but this is very inefficient and does not work fast enough for our requirements.

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Xetius Avatar asked Dec 01 '08 11:12


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1 Answers

String handling is not something XSLT is amazing at but there are a few options.

In this case you might try:


see here for more options and details

like image 56
annakata Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
