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Parsing for data in HTML using XPath (in a shell script)

I am trying to parse a fairly simple web page for information in a shell script. The web page I'm working with now is generated here. For example, I would like to pull the information on the internet service provider into a shell variable. It may make sense to use one of the programs xmllint, XMLStarlet or xpath for this purpose. I am quite familiar with shell scripting, but I am new to XPath syntax and the utilities used to implement the XPath syntax, so I would appreciate a few pointers in the right direction.

Here's the beginnings of the shell script:

HTMLISPInformation="$(curl --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0" http://aruljohn.com/details.php)"
# ISP="$(<XPath magic goes here.>)"

For your convenience, here is a utility for dynamically testing XPath syntax online:


like image 561
d3pd Avatar asked Dec 26 '12 20:12


1 Answers

Quick and dirty solution...

xmllint --html -xpath "//table/tbody/tr[6]/td[2]" page.html

You can find the xpath of your node using Chrome and the Developer Tools. When inspecting the node, right click on it and select copy XPath.

I wouldn't use this too much, this is not very reliable.

All the information on your page can be found elsewhere: run whois on your own IP for instance...

like image 185
Michel Guillet Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Michel Guillet