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How to auto adjust parent DIV height according to the contents in child DIV?




I have one parent DIV inside parent DIV i have two DIV one in left and second is in right side inside the parent DIV i want when i write any content in left or right div tag the parent DIV will be auto adjusted according to the height of left or right DIV tags..

How to write the .css file to perform this ?

the main DIV will not be adjusted according to the child div in Design View :

review my code please :

<div style="padding: 8px; overflow: hidden; background-color: #FFFFFF;">
    <div style ="float:left">
        <p>Hi, Flo!</p>
      <div style ="float:right; height: 180px;"> 
        <p>you are looking for?</p>
like image 383
Sumit Dobriyal Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 07:04

Sumit Dobriyal

2 Answers

if the two child divs are floats then you could use:

div.parent{ overflow: hidden; }

with NO height specified.

like image 93
Ian Wood Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

Ian Wood

     display:  inline-block;
     width:    100%;

I found this to be a very nice solution. If you had floating children and non floating children, the height will automatically be adjusted to the min amount of space needed. The width is set to 100% to expand to the parent of the parent's width.

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C-man Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
