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Writing JSON object to a JSON file with fs.writeFileSync

People also ask

How do you read and write to json file in JavaScript?

JavaScript provides a built-in JSON object for parsing and serializing JSON data. You can use the JSON. stringify() method to convert your JSON object into its string representation, and then use the file system fs module to write it to a file. Be careful when you use synchronous file operations in Node.

You need to stringify the object.

fs.writeFileSync('../data/phraseFreqs.json', JSON.stringify(output));

I don't think you should use the synchronous approach, asynchronously writing data to a file is better also stringify the output if it's an object.

Note: If output is a string, then specify the encoding and remember the flag options as well.:

const fs = require('fs');
const content = JSON.stringify(output);

fs.writeFile('/tmp/phraseFreqs.json', content, 'utf8', function (err) {
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);

    console.log("The file was saved!");

Added Synchronous method of writing data to a file, but please consider your use case. Asynchronous vs synchronous execution, what does it really mean?

const fs = require('fs');
const content = JSON.stringify(output);

fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/phraseFreqs.json', content);

Make the json human readable by passing a third argument to stringify:

fs.writeFileSync('../data/phraseFreqs.json', JSON.stringify(output, null, 4));

When sending data to a web server, the data has to be a string (here). You can convert a JavaScript object into a string with JSON.stringify(). Here is a working example:

var fs = require('fs');

var originalNote = {
  title: 'Meeting',
  description: 'Meeting John Doe at 10:30 am'

var originalNoteString = JSON.stringify(originalNote);

fs.writeFileSync('notes.json', originalNoteString);

var noteString = fs.readFileSync('notes.json');

var note = JSON.parse(noteString);

console.log(`TITLE: ${note.title} DESCRIPTION: ${note.description}`);

Hope it could help.