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WPF: What distinguishes a Dependency Property from a regular CLR Property?

In WPF, what, really, does it mean to be a "dependency property"?

I read Microsoft's Dependency Properties Overview, but it's not really sinking in for me. In part that article says:

Styles and templates are two of the chief motivating scenarios for using dependency properties. Styles are particularly useful for setting properties that define application user interface (UI). Styles are typically defined as resources in XAML. Styles interact with the property system because they typically contain "setters" for particular properties, as well as "triggers" that change a property value based on the real-time value for another property.

And then the example code is this:

<Style x:Key="GreenButtonStyle">
  <Setter Property="Control.Background" Value="Green"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource GreenButtonStyle}">I am green!</Button>

But I'm not getting what is special about this. Does it just imply, that when I set Style on the button to the given style, that I am actually setting Background implicitly? Is that the crux of it?

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Cheeso Avatar asked Feb 24 '10 01:02


1 Answers

Here's the explanation for how dependency properties work that I always wished someone had written for me. It's incomplete and quite possibly wrong, but it will help you develop enough of an understanding of them that you can will be able to grasp the documentation that you read.

Dependency properties are property-like values that are get and set via methods of the DependencyObject class. They can (and generally do) look very much like CLR properties, but they're not. And this gets to the first confusing thing about them. A dependency property is really made up of a couple of components.

Here's an example:

Document is a property of the RichTextBox object. It's a real CLR property. That is to say, it's got a name, a type, a getter, and a setter, just like any other CLR property. But unlike "normal" properties, the RichTextBox property doesn't merely get and set a private value inside the instance. Internally, it's implemented like this:

public FlowDocument Document
   get { return (FlowDocument)GetValue(DocumentProperty); }
   set { SetValue(DocumentProperty, value); }

When you set Document, the value you passed in gets passed to SetValue, along with DocumentProperty. And what is that? And how does GetValue get its value? And ...why?

First the what. There's a static property defined on the RichTextBox named DocumentProperty. When this property is declared, it's done like this:

public static DependencyProperty DocumentProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(

The Register method, in this case, tells the dependency property system that RichTextBox - the type, not the instance - now has a dependency property named Document of type FlowDocument. This method stores this information...somewhere. Where, exactly, is an implementation detail that's hidden from us.

When the setter for the Document property calls SetValue, the SetValue method looks at the DocumentProperty argument, verifies that it's really a property that belongs to RichTextBox and that value is the right type, and then stores its new value...somewhere. The documentation for DependencyObject is coy on this implementation detail, because you don't really need to know it. In my mental model of how this stuff works, I assume there's a property of type Dictionary<DependencyProperty, object> that's private to the DependencyObject, so derived classes (like RichTextBox) can't see it but GetValue and SetValue can update it. But who knows, maybe it's written on parchment by monks.

At any rate, this value is now what's called a "local value," which is to say it's a value that's local to this specific RichTextBox, just like an ordinary property.

The point of all this is:

  1. CLR code doesn't need to know that a property is a dependency property. It looks exactly like any other property. You can call GetValue and SetValue to get and set it, but unless you're doing something with the dependency property system, you probably don't need to.
  2. Unlike a normal property, something other than the object that it belongs to can be involved in getting and setting it. (You could do this with reflection, conceivably, but reflection is slow. Looking things up in dictionaries is fast.)
  3. This something - which is the dependency property system - essentially sits between an object and its dependency properties. And it can do all kinds of things.

What kinds of things? Well, let's look at some use cases.

Binding. When you bind to a property, it has to be a dependency property. This is because the Binding object doesn't actually set properties on the target, it calls SetValue on the target object.

Styles. When you set an object's dependency property to a new value, SetValue tells the style system that you've done so. That's how triggers work: they don't find out that a property's value has changed through magic, the dependency property system tells them.

Dynamic resources. If you write XAML like Background={DynamicResource MyBackground}, you can change the value of the MyBackground resource, and the background of the object referencing it gets updated. This isn't magic either; the dynamic resource calls SetValue.

Animations. Animations work by manipulating property values. Those have to be dependency properties, because the animation is calling SetValue to get at them.

Change notification. When you register a dependency property, you can also specify a function that SetValue will call when it sets the property's value.

Value inheritance. When you register a dependency property, you can specify that it participate in property value inheritance. When you call GetValue to get the value of an object's dependency property, GetValue looks to see if there's a local value. If there's not, it traverses up the chain of parent objects looking at their local values for that property.

This is how it is that you can set the FontFamily on a Window and magically (I'm using that word a lot) every control in the window uses the new font. Also, it's how it is that you can have hundreds of controls in a window without each of them having a FontFamily member variable to track their font (since they don't have local values) but you can still set the FontFamily on any one control (because of the seekrit hidden dictionary of values that every DependencyObject has).

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Robert Rossney Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 00:01

Robert Rossney