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WPF alternatives [closed]

WPF is positioned as a successor to WinForms, but given Microsoft's practice of abandoning toolkits (and what I perceive a s"bloat" in WPF), are there any recommended alternatives?

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Tony the Pony Avatar asked Mar 10 '09 22:03

Tony the Pony

People also ask

What is the difference between WPF and Windows Forms?

What is .NET? What is .NET? Many Windows Forms controls have equivalent WPF controls, but some Windows Forms controls have no equivalents in WPF. This topic compares control types provided by the two technologies. You can always use interoperation to host Windows Forms controls that do not have equivalents in your WPF-based applications.

What is the best alternative to WPF for Mac?

Miguel de Icaza recommends MonoMac as a substitute to WPF for Mac as stated here. As he explains there is no plan to implement WPF in mono. MonoMac is a work-in-progress. Some parts of the Cocoa APIs are not wrapped yet. You should start with the samples to get an idea of what is possible.

Can WPF applications run on Windows?

WPF applications run only on Windows as it makes use of a lot of Windows-specific features. This works the same for WPF applications that work on .NET core platform. As .NET core is better known for cross-platform framework, it is somewhat unintuitive.

What is WPF and why should you use it?

Microsoft has really invested a lot in WPF by making it open source and making it work on .NET Core. One of the clear benefits of this move is that if you want to build a WPF application, you no longer have to stay within the .NET framework.

1 Answers

I don't think you need to worry about WPF being abandoned. WinForm was around for a long time, and WPF is the replacement.

Bloat? I don't know. It seems like a huge upgrade from WinForms to me. If there's bloat it's always going to be there because underneath everything is the Win32 API. Until that gets rewritten from scratch I don't think anything will be perfect. And since every toolkit targeted at the Windows platform has to deal with that, I had rather go with WPF and ReSharper.

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Chris Holmes Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Chris Holmes