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WPF MVVM: How do ViewModels communicate with each other?

I have a View which has 2 sub views on it and a ViewModel is assigned to each view:

ViewA - ViewModelA
   ViewB - ViewModelB
   ViewC - ViewModelC

ViewB has a text box and ViewC has a combobox, both of which i need access from ViewModelA. Not the GUI control itself, but the bound value i.e. .Text of the textbox and .SelectedItem of the ComboBox. Currently i just have ViewModelB and ViewModelC as properties on ViewModelA but it feels wrong.

What's the standard way for view models to communicate with each other without breaking the MVVM pattern?

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Dev1 Avatar asked Feb 03 '11 22:02


1 Answers

One way to have disconnected ViewModels communicate to each other is to use a publish / subscribe mechanism such as PRISMs EventAggregator. However, in a parent / child ViewModel relationship, I think it's fine for the parent to have direct knowledge and control over the child ViewModel.

Personally, I don't think composing a ViewModel out of other ViewModels is a bad practice. I do it all the time. I generally favor composition over inheritance in my ViewModels.

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Daniel Auger Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Daniel Auger