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Wordpress var_dump in functions.php




I need to do a var_dump in a custom function filter in WP but, where is the results shown? The code is working because I can see the search result structure difference from when the code is present and not

    add_filter('relevanssi_hits_filter', 'products_first');
function products_first($hits) {
    $types = array();

    $types['section1'] = array();
    $types['section2'] = array();
    $types['section3'] = array();
    $types['section4'] = array();

    // Split the post types in array $types
    if (!empty($hits)) {
        foreach ($hits[0] as $hit) {
            array_push($types_1[$hit->post_type], $hit);

    // Merge back to $hits in the desired order
    $hits[0] = array_merge($types['section1'], $types['section2'], $types['section3'], $types['section4']);
    return $hits;
like image 514
acctman Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 17:03


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How do I debug a PHP function in WordPress?

To start debugging, go to the wp-config. php file in the root of the WordPress file system and turn on the debug variable, i.e., set debug to true: define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); Defining this constant as true will cause all PHP errors, notices, and warnings to be displayed on the screen.

What is Var_dump function in PHP?

The function var_dump() displays structured information (type and value) about one or more expressions/variables. Arrays and objects are explored recursively with values indented to show structure. All public, private and protected properties of objects will be returned in the output.

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var_dump() displays values along with data types as output. print_r() displays only value as output. It does not have any return type. It will return a value that is in string format.

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What is the use of Var_dump () function in PHP?

PHP var_dump () Function 1 Definition and Usage. The var_dump () function dumps information about one or more variables. The information holds type and value of the variable (s). 2 Syntax 3 Parameter Values 4 Technical Details

What does var_dump_pre() do?

This one automatically adds the PRE tags around the var_dump output so you get nice formatted arrays. This one returns the value of var_dump instead of outputting it. Fairly simple functions, but they're infinitely helpful (I use var_dump_pre () almost exclusively now). I post a new var_dump function with colors and collapse features.

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Learn how to use the un-minified JavaScript and CSS core files for debugging purposes, To start debugging, go to the wp-config.php file in the root of the WordPress file system and turn on the debug variable, i.e., set debug to true: Defining this constant as true will cause all PHP errors, notices, and warnings to be displayed on the screen.

2 Answers

Try killing the flow right after the var_dump, that ussually helps me debug easier:


That way if something after your var_dump is rendering on top of the var dump it wont get covered by it.

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taxicala Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


shutdown hook can be used, add this code to functions.php:

function custom_dump($anything){
  add_action('shutdown', function () use ($anything) {
    echo "<div style='position: absolute; z-index: 100; left: 30px; bottom: 30px; right: 30px; background-color: white;'>";
    echo "</div>";
like image 33
Narek Malkhasyan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Narek Malkhasyan