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How to set include path of file when running script from cmd

I m trying to run php file from the command fine. here files are not included. Whrn I run php script from the browser its works perfect but when I run it from cmd then its giving error for that included file

PHP code


Here suppose I put the code of dbclass.php file into main one and removed include_once('include/classes/dbclass.php'); line than there is no problem. So how to write include path or set include file when we used cmd to run php script

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kreya Avatar asked Jan 07 '15 09:01


1 Answers

Your setup may have different php.ini option files for cmdline and web use, you can either add the right include_path to the cmdline ini file (/etc/php5/cli/php.ini in my case), or pass it as a command line parameter:

php -d include_path=... script.php
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Hartmut Holzgraefe Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Hartmut Holzgraefe