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MySQL password() function to PHP




I tried researching this but still have no answer for it. A program my friend designed writes to the MySQL db passwords using the MySQL password() function.

I am looking for a way to use this through the web front I designed but still have no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?

The passwords look just like this example

mysql> SET old_passwords = 0;
mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass');
| PASSWORD('mypass')                        |
| *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4 |

I just need to figure out how to turn this into a function i.e function password_hash

Here's the rest the login query for an example

if (isset($_POST["username"], $_POST["password"], $_POST[$CONF["LOGIN_SIGNAL_TRIGGER"]])) {

        If we got a login signal, a password and a username, we will
        proceed to check login information. We will first extract
        the user row from the db.
    $user = myF(myQ("
        SELECT `username`,`password`,`id`,`disable_until`,`active`
        FROM `[x]users` 
        WHERE LCASE(`username`)='".strtolower($_POST["username"])."'

    if (!$user["id"]) $GLOBALS["LOGIN_FAIL_TYPE"] = "e.user";
    elseif ($user["active"] != 1 && $CONF["LOGIN_REQUIRE_ACTIVE"]) $GLOBALS["LOGIN_FAIL_TYPE"] = "e.active";

    else {
            If the user's account 'disabled' value is greater than 
            the actual date value, and that the bruteforce protection
            system is enabled, we will show an error message
        if (($user["disable_until"] > date("U")) && ($CONF["LOGIN_BRUTEFORCE_PROTECT:ENABLE"])) {
             $GLOBALS["LOGIN_FAIL_TYPE"] = "e.bruteforce";

            Account is not disabled
        else {
            if ((isset($_SESSION["loginFailCount"])) && ($_SESSION["loginFailCount"] > $CONF["LOGIN_BRUTEFORCE_FAILCOUNT"])) {

                myQ("UPDATE `[x]users`
                    SET `disable_until` = ".(date("U")+$CONF["LOGIN_BRUTEFORCE_DISABLE_DURATION"])."
                    WHERE LCASE(`username`)='".strtolower($_POST["username"])."'
                    LIMIT 1"

                $GLOBALS["LOGIN_FAIL_TYPE"] = "e.bruteforce";

            else {

                    All the information correct, we will proceed to login
                if ($user["password"] == md5(trim($_POST["password"]))) {
                    $_SESSION["id"] = (integer)$user["id"];


                        Update the last login key
                    $me_last_login = me("last_login");
                    myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `last_login`='".date("U")."' WHERE `id`='".me('id')."'");

                        Route the user
                    if (!$GLOBALS["WAP_MODE"]) {
                        header("Location: ".(!$me_last_login?$CONF["LOGIN_FIRST_ROUTE_TO"]:$CONF["LOGIN_ROUTE_TO"]));
                    } else header("Location: {$CONF["WAP_LOGIN_ROUTE_TO"]}");


                else {
                    $GLOBALS["LOGIN_FAIL_TYPE"] = "e.password";

if ((isset($_GET[$CONF["LOGOUT_SIGNAL_TRIGGER"]])) && (!isset($_POST[$CONF["LOGIN_SIGNAL_TRIGGER"]]))) {

        Handle admin swapping
    if (isset($_SESSION["swap_id"])) {
        $_SESSION["id"] = $_SESSION["swap_id"];
        header("Location: ?L=admin.index");

    else {

        header("Location: {$CONF["LOGOUT_ROUTE_TO"]}");
like image 219
user2603089 Avatar asked Jul 20 '13 21:07


1 Answers

OP asked how to do this in php. This is how to do it in php:

function sqlPassword($input) {
    $pass = strtoupper(
                    sha1($input, true)
    $pass = '*' . $pass;
    return $pass;

Added for posterity (No reason you would use this, use it if mysql decides to deprecate the PASSWORD function?, for informative purposes only) the mysql equivalent of the php equivalent

    CONCAT('*', SHA1(UNHEX(SHA1('password'))))

Also see MySQL Hashing Function Implementation

like image 78
chiliNUT Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10
