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How to add TTF font to html2pdf PHP program

I'm trying to use HTML2PDF 4.03 with this code:

$content = "..."; # my HTML code
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','en', true, 'utf-8', array(15,20,15,20) );
# here I'm trying to add my arial.ttf

Now the program die with this:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method HTML2PDF_myPdf::AddTTFFont()

How can I add TTF font to my PDF file?

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netdjw Avatar asked Jan 25 '15 16:01


2 Answers

I have managed to add 1 custom font to my setup using the following method.

First convert the .ttf file to 3 separate files (.php .z and .ufm) using the following font converter Place the 3 files that are generated by this system into the fonts folder in TCPDF.

Now you can set the default font for your PDF using the following command


This was fairly simple to get working, I am having issues using 2 seperate fonts though via this method. I'll figure it out though

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o11y_75 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09


To expand on the selected answer (by o11y_75) when you convert your fonts, you need to use a specific name to include also the bold and italic variants. That way, you only add one font definition like this

$html2pdf->AddFont('opensans', 'normal', 'opensans.php');

When you convert the fonts, name them, for example, like these:

default: opensans
bold: opensansb
italic: opensansi
bold italic: opensansbi

notice that behind the original name, you add b, i and bi on each case. I have found no documentation on this issue, but I followed the nomenclature found on the fonts that already came with TCPDF and it worked.

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Ignacio Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
