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Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

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Can you make a batch file run in the background?

Run batch files silently using a Scheduled TaskThe Task Scheduler is one of them. This feature allows you to run tasks in the background, periodically or every day. You can easily schedule a Batch file to run automatically using Scheduled Task with options available out of the box.

How do I hide a batch file when running?

The most simple solution is to run the batch file minimized. The batch file will still be visible in the task bar while running. For batch file started by a shortcut, this may be "sufficiently hidden".

Here is a possible solution:

From your first script, call your second script with the following line:

wscript.exe invis.vbs run.bat %*

Actually, you are calling a vbs script with:

  • the [path]\name of your script
  • all the other arguments needed by your script (%*)

Then, invis.vbs will call your script with the Windows Script Host Run() method, which takes:

  • intWindowStyle : 0 means "invisible windows"
  • bWaitOnReturn : false means your first script does not need to wait for your second script to finish

Here is invis.vbs:

set args = WScript.Arguments
num = args.Count

if num = 0 then
    WScript.Echo "Usage: [CScript | WScript] invis.vbs aScript.bat <some script arguments>"
    WScript.Quit 1
end if

sargs = ""
if num > 1 then
    sargs = " "
    for k = 1 to num - 1
        anArg = args.Item(k)
        sargs = sargs & anArg & " "
end if

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """" & sargs, 0, False

Do you need the second batch file to run asynchronously? Typically one batch file runs another synchronously with the call command, and the second one would share the first one's window.

You can use start /b second.bat to launch a second batch file asynchronously from your first that shares your first one's window. If both batch files write to the console simultaneously, the output will be overlapped and probably indecipherable. Also, you'll want to put an exit command at the end of your second batch file, or you'll be within a second cmd shell once everything is done.

Convert the batch file to an exe. Try Bat To Exe Converter or Online Bat To Exe Converter, and choose the option to run it as a ghost application, i.e. no window.

I think this is the easiest and shortest solution to running a batch file without opening the DOS window, it can be very distracting when you want to schedule a set of commands to run periodically, so the DOS window keeps poping up, here is your solution. Use a VBS Script to call the batch file ...

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" ) 
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Batch Files\ mycommands.bat" & Chr(34), 0 
Set WshShell = Nothing 

Copy the lines above to an editor and save the file with .VBS extension. Edit the .BAT file name and path accordingly.

For self-hiding you can use getCmdPID.bat and windowMode.bat:

@echo off

echo --- self hiding bat ----
call getCmdPid.bat
set PID=%errorlevel%
call windowMode.bat -pid %PID% -mode hidden

Here's my collection of ways to achieve that - and even more - where it was possible I've tried to return also the PID of the started process (all linked scripts can be downloaded and saved with whatever name you find convenient):

  1. The IEXPRESS solution can be used even on old win 95/98 machines. Iexpress is a really ancient tool that is still packaged with Windows - as arguments accepts only the command and its arguments.

Example usage:

call IEXPhidden.bat "cmd /c myBat.bat"  "argument"
  1. SCHTASKS - Again accepts only two arguments - the command and the arguments.Also checks if it's started with elevated permissions and if possible gets the PID of the process with WEVTUTIL (available from Vista and above so the newer version of windows will receive the PID) command.

Example usage:

call SCHPhidden.bat "cmd /c myBat.bat"  "argument"
  1. 'WScript.Shell' - the script is full wrapper of 'WScript.Shell' and every possible option can be set through the command line options.It's a jscript/batch hybrid and can be called as a bat.

Example usage (for more info print the help with '-h'):

call ShellRunJS.bat "notepad.exe" -style 0 -wait no 
  1. 'Win32_ProcessStartup' - again full wrapper and all options are accessible through the command line arguments.This time it's WSF/batch hybrid with some Jscript and some VBScript pieces of code - but it returns the PID of the started process.If process is not hidden some options like X/Y coordinates can be used (not applicable for every executable - but for example cmd.exe accepts coordinates).

Example usage (for more info print the help with '-h'):

call win32process.bat "notepad" -arguments "/A openFile.txt"  -showWindows 0 -title "notepad"
  1. The .NET solution . Most of the options of ProcessStartInfo options are used (but at the end I was too tired to include everything):

Example usage (for more info print the help with '-h'):

call ProcessStartJS.bat "notepad" -arguments "/A openFile.txt"  -style Hidden -directory "." -title "notepad" -priority Normal

In the other question I suggested autoexnt. That is also possible in this situation. Just set the service to run manually (ie not automatic at startup). When you want to run your batch, modify the autoexnt.bat file to call the batch file you want, and start the autoexnt service.

The batchfile to start this, can look like this (untested):

echo call c:\path\to\batch.cmd %* > c:\windows\system32\autoexnt.bat
net start autoexnt

Note that batch files started this way run as the system user, which means you do not have access to network shares automatically. But you can use net use to connect to a remote server.

You have to download the Windows 2003 Resource Kit to get it. The Resource Kit can also be installed on other versions of windows, like Windows XP.