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How to create ls in windows command prompt?

People also ask

How write ls command in cmd?

Use the command dir to list all the directories and files in a directory; ls is a unix command. it is possible to make dir dsplay text horizontally ? this is helpful, just type dir in the cmd not the filename and dir. @Webwoman To show text horizontally, you can use dir /w .

How do I get the ls command in Windows?

Windows “dir” Command is “ls” Command Equivalent Windows MS-DOS and PowerShell command-line interface provide the dir command in order to list files and folders. By default without any option, the dir command lists files and folders.

Why Cannot use ls in cmd?

You can't use ls on cmd as it's not shipped with Windows , but you can use it on other terminal programs (such as GitBash). Note, ls might work on some FTP servers if the servers are linux based and the FTP is being used from cmd . dir on Windows is similar to ls .

You can solve this question with one simple command:

echo @dir %* > %systemroot%\system32\ls.bat

Make sure you run cmd.exe as admin first if you are on vista and up

You could:

  • create a batch file called ls.bat and have it contain the dir command only
  • add the directory where the ls.bat file exists to your PATH environment variable

You could then execute ls from a command prompt.

Its an old question but for the record:


Gives you ls and a whole lot more!

Easiest way I have found is:

  1. Install Git for Windows
  2. Add the bin directory of Git to your Path variable. Mine was located in C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin.
  3. Start a command prompt and enjoy ls in all its glory.

I have a solution but it's dirty:

Create a file named ls.bat containing only "dir".

Put it in C:\windows\system32 (or any directory in PATH env var).

That (should) works!

Edit: Something more consistent: https://superuser.com/questions/49170/create-an-alias-in-windows-xp

If you have Node.js installed on your system, you can install it from Cash, a library I wrote for Linux commands on Windows:

npm install cash-ls -g