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Win32 Console Application missing in VS2017. How to create C++ Empty Project?

I installed the VS2017 community and I am lost: the Win32 Console Application in missing.

I don't even have template when I go to New Project and also I cannot create C++ Empty Project in VS2017.

How I can solve it?

like image 473
Albert Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 21:12


1 Answers

Install all the optional tools for c++ development

then follow these steps ( Microsoft has updated its visual studio and there are some minor changes)

The new updated changed some things. Win32 Console Application is gone in the new update. Go to File -> New Project -> Visual C++ -> Windows Desktop -> Windows Desktop Wizard -> Application type: Console Application (.exe), Additional Options: Empty Project

Then have fun!

like image 165
Yousef Saber Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 09:12

Yousef Saber