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Will c++1y allow in-class initialization of base class variables from a derived class?





Instead of this:

class base
        base( int value )
            : member{value}

        int member = 0;

class derived_1 : public base
            : base{ 1 }

class derived_2 : public base
            : base{ 2 }

This would be useful:

class base
        int member = 0; // Default value

class derived_1 : public base
    base::member = 1; // Instead of passing it to a base class constructor

class derived_2 : public base
    base::member = 2;

Will c++1y support this, or similar, syntax?

like image 928
x-x Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 01:03


1 Answers

No, there are currently no plans to allow this. It seems a bit odd to allow an initializer to bypass a base class constructor (if any); it would seem to make more sense to allow a base-class specifier to contain an initializer:

class derived_1 : public base = {1}

You might consider submitting a proposal, if you can explain how the language would benefit (do you have a concrete use case?).

As a workaround, you might consider using a class template:

template<int I = 0>
class base { protected: int member = I; };

class derived_1: public base<1> {};

If you need to preserve a common base class, use an intermediate base class template:

class base { protected: int member = 0; };

template<int I>
class base_init: public base { base_init() { base::member = I; } };

class derived_1: public base_init<1> {};

Not sure if it's relevant, but the rules on aggregates and aggregate initialization look likely to change in C++14: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3653.html

like image 115
ecatmur Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 10:04
