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Converting a string to a number in C++

I'm seeing a lot of options for converting a string to a number in C++.

Some of which are actually recommending the use of standard C functions such as atoi and atof.

I have not seen anyone suggesting the following option, which relies solely on C++ STL:

int Str2Num(const string& str) // can be called with a 'char*' argument as well
    int num;
    return num;

Or more generally:

template <typename type>
type Str2Num(const string& str) // can be called with a 'char*' argument as well
    type num;
    return num;

What are the disadvantages in the above implementation?

Is there a simpler / cleaner way to achieve this conversion?

like image 386
barak manos Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 09:03

barak manos

1 Answers

Since C++11, we have had std::stoi:


There is also std::stol and std::stoll.

like image 56
Joseph Mansfield Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 14:03

Joseph Mansfield