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Will be Instagram login totally deprecated?

Instagram announced the Instagram Platform API deprecation:

"To continuously improve Instagram users' privacy and security, we are accelerating the deprecation of Instagram API Platform"

Their documentation and changelog says to refer to new Instagram Graph API.

Is it clear that many, almost every old endpoints are now deprecated, but nothing is said about login functionality.

The "new Instagram Graph API" seems to refer only to business oriented behaviour, so my question is: are they deprecating also Instagram Login feature for authentication?


  • https://www.instagram.com/developer/changelog/

  • https://developers.facebook.com/products/instagram/

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Diego D Avatar asked Apr 10 '18 15:04

Diego D

People also ask

Does Instagram have an open API?

Like most open APIs, the Instagram API requires you to have a unique key that you can then use to the access the APIs features and capabilities on your website or app.

What is Instagram graph API?

The Instagram Graph API allows Instagram Professionals — Businesses and Creators — to use your app to manage their presence on Instagram.

1 Answers

What I can say about this, after two months of investigation, is YES, Instagram login will be totally deprecated.

This is not directly said into official news, but official news announced "Instagram API Platform Deprecation" and Instagram login is under that platform, that will be totally deprecated.

Another point is that since some weeks, instagram login is no more working as before due to the error "parameter present into the redirect URL: force_classic_login"

  • Is there a way to remove force_classic_login parameter?
  • https://github.com/cosenary/Instagram-PHP-API/issues/255/

Seems Instagram is adding this parameter into redirect URL to force "classic login view" and this classic login view is causing issues on some devices due to cookie error management.

Facebook direction is pretty clear: they want to move everything from "user oriented" to "business oriented". So developers now should build apps for companies where they can use Facebook login, along with "Instagram product". So who will use those apps will click on "Facebook login" and during permissions they will be asked to share Instagram scopes. To better understand this flow, see official screencast here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started#screencast

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Diego D Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10

Diego D