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database implementation for apps like instagram

I'm wondering how do apps like snapchat and instagram store pictures and user records in database.

Say I have a user table, how would they maintain list of followers for each user? Would they store the list of followers for each entry in user table or make a separate table for follow event and make an entry every time someone follows someone.

Also, for storing pictures, I'm guessing they would dump the pictures in a mass storage server space and store the URL in tables. Is there a better way of implementing this? If not, what kind of mass storage server would they go for? Dedicated or shared servers?


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anivader Avatar asked Jun 09 '14 03:06


People also ask

Which database does Instagram uses?

Instagram mainly uses two backend database systems: PostgreSQL and Cassandra. Both PostgreSQL and Cassandra have mature replication frameworks that work well as a globally consistent data store.

Which database is used for apps?

PostgreSQL. A unique relational database, PostgreSQL is the best database for Android and iOS apps. Developers can customize this database as they want; that's why it's the most preferred mobile app database.

Can I build an app like Instagram?

You can't make an app like Instagram without providing users with the ability to search for other users, groups, content, tagged photos, the latest news, and so on. Real-time messaging is one of the features that makes Instagram tick.

1 Answers

You should read Instagram Engineering post at tumblr. This will let you know there technology stack.

And this will also help overall.

like image 56
shazin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11
