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Can't get Instagram Business Account ID through Facebook Graph API

I'm trying to access the media of my Instagram business account through Facebook Graph API. I'm following this guide: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started/

I've set up everything as requested: I have an Instagram business account, a Facebook page connected to this account and a Facebook app.

In step 5, when I try to get the Instagram Account ID with

GET /v3.0/{page id}?fields=instagram_business_account

the response I get looks different than the one in the guide. The Instagram business account field is missing, I only get back the ID of the Facebook page, which I already have.

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong here?

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user3219996 Avatar asked Jun 05 '18 22:06


People also ask

How to add Instagram graph API to your Facebook business page?

You can easily get your Facebook Page ID by checking on your Facebook Business Page and looking at the bottom part of the ‘About’ tab. Now, let’s add Instagram Graph API to your App. You can easily select Instagram Graph API, then click Set Up. You can read more about Instagram Graph API here.

How to get the Instagram Business ID?

Follow the following steps to get the Instagram business ID. (assuming that you already have an access token) Step 1: Get the Facebook ID first [ GET v11.0/me?access_token={your_access_token} ] { "name": "your facebook page name", "id": "facebook_page_id" }

What is the API for the Instagram API?

The API is built on the Facebook Graph API. If you are unfamiliar with the Facebook Graph API, please read our Facebook Graph API documentation to learn how it works before proceeding. The API cannot access Instagram consumer accounts (i.e., non-Business or non-Creator Instagram accounts).

Can I use the Instagram API to publish content to Instagram?

The API cannot access Instagram consumer accounts (i.e., non-Business or non-Creator Instagram accounts). If you are building an app for consumer users, use the Instagram Basic Display API instead. Content Publishing is only available to Instagram Business Users. Reels are not supported.

2 Answers

Try the query below with the manage_pages permission.


I'm going through the review process and having trouble understand the permissions required to

  1. Get Instagram Business Accounts
  2. Subscribe to instagram_story_insights webhook

I only manage to get 1. by having the manage_pages permission. But I don't want to manage pages, just want to get the Instagram Business Accounts and request insights, feed and profile.

For 2. I only find the /subscribe endpoint and that requires a Facebook Page access token and that is only available with the manage_pages permission.

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joacar Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09


I was facing this issue since last 2 days and it was started suddenly.

I was able to resolve this issue by doing below steps.

  1. Convert back your Instagram business account to personal account.
  2. Now Convert your personal account to business account through the only facebook web not on instagram native app.

Important: We need to convert personal account to business account through the only facebook.

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RAVI PATEL Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09