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Why were old games programmed in assembly when higher level languages existed?



I noticed that most if not all Nes / Atari, etc games were coded in assembly, however at that time, C, COBOL, and FORTRAN existed which I would think would make it easier to code right? So then why did they choose assembly over these available higher level languages?

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jmasterx Avatar asked Feb 05 '11 02:02


People also ask

Why would a programmer ever use assembly language?

Programming with assembly language, after having already learned a high-level language, helps ensure programmers understand the scope and capabilities of a compiler. Specifically, this means learning what the compiler does and does not do in relation to the computer architecture.

How are old games programmed?

First, early arcade games were programmed using machine language. The only "offline" tool that might have been used to free the developer from encoding opcodes by hand would be a simple assembler.

Why was Assembly invented?

"So why was assembly language created?" Assembly language was created as an exact shorthand for machine level coding, so that you wouldn't have to count 0s and 1s all day. It works the same as machine level code: with instructions and operands.

1 Answers

Those games had 8-bit CPU chips and microscopic memories, like, 2kB. This answer would take up over half the RAM.

Compiled code was out of the question. Even on 8-bit CPU's with "large" memories, like "64K" (whee!) compiled code was difficult to use; it was not routinely seen until 16-bit microprocessors appeared.

Also, the only potentially useful language was C and it had not yet taken over the world. There were few if any C compilers for 8-bit micros at that time.

But C wouldn't have helped that much. Those games had horribly cheap hacks in them that pretty much required timing-specific instruction loops ... e.g., a sprite's Y-coordinate might depend on WHEN (in the video scan) its control register was written. (Shudder...)

Now there was a nice interpreted-bytecode language around that time or perhaps a little bit later: UCSD Pascal running on the UCSD P-System. Although I'm not a big Pascal fan, it was way ahead of everything else for those early processors. It wouldn't fit on a game or run fast enough for game play, though.

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DigitalRoss Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09
