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Anyone knows what "mov edi,edi " does?

69A8AB13  int         3    
69A8AB14  int         3    
69A8AB15  mov         edi,edi 
69A8AB17  push        ebp  
69A8AB18  mov         ebp,esp 

mov edi,edi doesn't make sense for me,what's it for?

like image 365
COMer Avatar asked Sep 16 '10 15:09


2 Answers

It's a 2 byte NOP instruction. It gets included at the beginning of any function in an image compiled with the /hotpatch option:



like image 137
snoone Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11


According to this page: StackExchange's Reverse Engineering

In x86-64 mov edi,edi is not a NOP. In x86-64 it zeroes the top 32 bits of rdi.

I though it was important enough to point it out, in supplement to snoone's answer.

like image 5
Jeach Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 04:11
