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Why is this version of logical AND in C not showing short-circuit behavior?

Yes, this is a homework question, but I've done my research and a fair amount of deep thought on the topic and can't figure this out. The question states that this piece of code does NOT exhibit short-circuit behavior and asks why. But it looks to me like it does exhibit short-circuit behavior, so can someone explain why it doesn't?

In C:

int sc_and(int a, int b) {     return a ? b : 0; } 

It looks to me that in the case that a is false, the program will not try to evaluate b at all, but I must be wrong. Why does the program even touch b in this case, when it doesn't have to?

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Bobazonski Avatar asked Oct 13 '14 15:10


People also ask

Do logical operators use short circuit in C?

Like C, Perl provides the && (logical AND) and || (logical OR) operators. They evaluate from left to right (with && having slightly higher precedence than ||) testing the truth of the statement.

What is correct for logical AND and short circuit and?

The logical AND expression is a short-circuit operator. As each operand is converted to a boolean, if the result of one conversion is found to be false , the AND operator stops and returns the original value of that falsy operand; it does not evaluate any of the remaining operands.

Why logical operators are called short circuit?

In Java logical operators, if the evaluation of a logical expression exits in between before complete evaluation, then it is known as Short-circuit. A short circuit happens because the result is clear even before the complete evaluation of the expression, and the result is returned.

What is short circuit in C?

Short-Circuit Evaluation: Short-circuiting is a programming concept in which the compiler skips the execution or evaluation of some sub-expressions in a logical expression. The compiler stops evaluating the further sub-expressions as soon as the value of the expression is determined.

1 Answers

This is a trick question. b is an input argument to the sc_and method, and so will always be evaluated. In other-words sc_and(a(), b()) will call a() and call b() (order not guaranteed), then call sc_and with the results of a(), b() which passes to a?b:0. It has nothing to do with the ternary operator itself, which would absolutely short-circuit.


With regards to why I called this a 'trick question': It's because of the lack of well-defined context for where to consider 'short circuiting' (at least as reproduced by the OP). Many persons, when given just a function definition, assume that the context of the question is asking about the body of the function; they often do not consider the function as an expression in and of itself. This is the 'trick' of the question; To remind you that in programming in general, but especially in languages like C-likes that often have many exceptions to rules, you can't do that. Example, if the question was asked as such:

Consider the following code. Will sc_and exibit short-circuit behavior when called from main:

int sc_and(int a, int b){     return a?b:0; }  int a(){     cout<<"called a!"<<endl;     return 0; }  int b(){     cout<<"called b!"<<endl;     return 1; }  int main(char* argc, char** argv){     int x = sc_and(a(), b());     return 0; } 

It would be immediately clear that you're supposed to be thinking of sc_and as an operator in and of itself in your own domain-specific language, and evaluating if the call to sc_and exhibits short-circuit behavior like a regular && would. I would not consider that to be a trick question at all, because it's clear you're not supposed to focus on the ternary operator, and are instead supposed to focus on C/C++'s function-call mechanics (and, I would guess, lead nicely into a follow-up question to write an sc_and that does short-circuit, which would involve using a #define rather than a function).

Whether or not you call what the ternary operator itself does short-circuiting (or something else, like 'conditional evaluation') depends on your definition of short-circuiting, and you can read the various comments for thoughts on that. By mine it does, but it's not terribly relevant to the actual question or why I called it a 'trick'.

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aruisdante Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 04:10
