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How should I get started on writing device drivers? [closed]

I would like to learn how to write device drivers because I think it would be fun. I use a Mac OS X Macbook, but I also have an Ubuntu machine (running on a Mac Min). I am pretty familiar with C and currently am reading this book. I have found some links online such as Mac Dev Center. I am doing this because it would be fun. I think there would be real gratification to see hardware operate because of software I wrote.

I guess what I would like is some tips or advice and guidance, and does anyone know of a list of devices that don't have drivers or can I write a driver for something that's already supported (would prefer the former so I'm actually providing value). What's a good device to get started with? Am I biting off more than I can chew? I'm not afraid of low level programming or assembly or whatever amount of effort is required. I'd like a challenge really!

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Bjorn Avatar asked Feb 08 '10 15:02


People also ask

How do I manage my device drivers?

In Windows 10, the Device Manager widget in the Control Panel provides information about and control over device drivers. To launch Device Manager, type Windowskey-X and select Device Manager from the resulting pop-up menu.

2 Answers

For Linux, you might look into picking up the O'Reilly Linux Device Drivers book or reading PDFs online. In my opinion, it is one of the better texts around on the subject.

The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide is another good resource.

You may also want to pick up a book specifically on the Linux Kernel. I picked up a copy of Robert Love's Linux Kernel Development (2nd Edition) for this purpose (3rd Edition on the way).

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jschmier Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 15:11


Writing a device driver can be pretty simple, or it can be almost arbitrarily complicated. For instance, I've been involved in a project where it took six of us almost three years to solve ONE bug in a device driver. Of course, we cleared out dozens of other bugs while looking for it... the code improved immensely. The fix turned out to be an eight line patch, that cost, conservatively, about a million dollars.

But, as a side project to that, I wrote an ethernet driver from the chip data sheet in a week, and took another week to debug it. Haven't needed to touch it since.

There's no way to say in general how much work a driver will be; a GPU driver could cost hundreds of millions, a driver for a single LED costs a couple of hours work at the most.

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Andrew McGregor Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 17:11

Andrew McGregor