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Why is this MYSQL statement giving me an error?

mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/myuser/myproject/power/ids-ads.txt' INTO TABLE ids_ads  FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';

ERROR 29 (HY000): File '/home/myuser/myproject/power/ids-ads.txt' not found (Errcode: 13)

The file is there. I even pasted the path into the mysql console. The permissions are correct.

In fact, I even tested it on root user and root mysql.

-rw-r--r--   1 myuser myuser  15893 2010-12-26 20:56 ids-ads.txt
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TIMEX Avatar asked Dec 27 '10 21:12


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2 Answers

Note that when you do LOAD DATA INFILE, MySQL is looking for that file on the server - not on your client machine.

If you want to use LOAD DATA INFILE to load a file that is on the client machine (and not the server machine), you must use LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.


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TehShrike Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09


From the MySQL manual:

For security reasons, when reading text files located on the server, the files
must either reside in the database directory or be readable by all. Also, to use
LOAD DATA INFILE on server files, you must have the FILE privilege. For non-LOCAL
load operations, if the secure_file_priv system variable is set to a nonempty
directory name, the file to be loaded must be located in that directory. 


like image 40
Marc B Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Marc B